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Future of DreamSofa

The underlying idea of the DreamSofa is for the project to continuously create itself - from visitors' uses and modifications of the site and from their submitted responses to it. The sofa is a starting point; after constructing it I have relinquished much of the authorship role in favor of a more curatorial one.

I'm enjoying the updates I get at unpredictable intervals, and the way in which the sofa has changed with weather and interventions from visitors. It is likely to be dismantled by a storm sometime before too long, but perhaps it has enough substance to last for a while. We'll see - if and when I get more photos.

In due course I plan to build a least one or two more sofas - probably on peaks in the U.S. rather than beaches in the U.K. - and add those responses into the project. Meanwhile my sister Jen Altman and her partner Paul Croft, who are also artists, may build a "Sister Sofa" somewhere in U.K. and link it to the project.

When I have enough material I hope to do a show with the responses in some aggregated form. It would include building one or more stone sofas in an exhibit space, contributed photographs and texts set up all around, and perhaps video and sound. Visitors would be invited to rework the sofas, or perhaps build from scratch, during the exhibit. The project itself may suggest other possibilities; I hope it does.
